Notice: error_log(): Write of 205 bytes failed with errno=122 Disk quota exceeded in /home/hui/domains/ on line 46

2024-06-17 20:42:14 - Notice [8]: file_put_contents(): Write of 9495 bytes failed with errno=122 Disk quota exceeded in /home/hui/domains/ on line 3517

Notice: error_log(): Write of 211 bytes failed with errno=122 Disk quota exceeded in /home/hui/domains/ on line 46

2024-06-17 20:42:14 - Warning [2]: file_put_contents(): Only 45056 of 54551 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space in /home/hui/domains/ on line 3517

Privacy Statement | Huizenga Group
A total solution for every room A total solution for every room
A total solution for every room The specialist in chairs for decades
A total solution for every room Chairs specially made for you
T 030 - 261 39 13 030 - 261 39 13


Privacy Statement

This privacy statement applies to Huizenga Nederland bv and Huizenga International bv registered in De Bilt.

Contact details
Huizenga Nederland bv / Huizenga International bv
Utrechtseweg 334
3731 GD De Bilt

Contact details for privacy-related questions:
Contact person: Corrie Huizenga
E-mail address:
Telephone number: 030-2613913

Personal data
Personal data is any information about an identified or identifiable natural person. This means that the information relates directly to someone or can be traced to that person. It must concern a natural, living person, which means that data from a deceased person or from an organisation does not constitute personal data.

The following personal data is processed by us and only used for the purposes referred to under the Purposes header below.

  • Name
  • Address information
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address

Purposes and legal bases
The data processed by us is used for the following purposes:

- For sending requested information

The provided personal data is transferred to the following parties:

- E-mail and office applications such as Office365

The personal data requested for the purposes referred to under the Purposes header will be kept for a period of circa 7 years, after which it will be deleted and/or destroyed and will no longer be processed for other purposes.

We are serious about protecting your data and we take appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, undesired publication and unauthorised changes.

This website uses an SSL certificate to protect your personal data against misuse by third parties. The data managed by third parties is secured with a password and where possible by two-step verification.

If you feel that your data is not adequately secured or if there are indications of misuse, or if you would like more information about the security of personal data collected by us, you can contact us using our previously mentioned contact details.

Right of access, rectification and/or removal
The concerned person (the person to which the personal data applies) has the right to view the provided data or to have it deleted. The person also has the right to rectify any inaccurate publication (which deviates from that as provided by the person) of the data.

Also when the personal data is collected with consent, it is possible to withdraw this consent.

To request access to or removal of your data, you can contact us using our previously mentioned contact details. We will respond to your request as soon as possible (in any case within four weeks).

You have the right to submit a complaint regarding the processing or handling of your personal data. You can do so with the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (Dutch Data Protection Authority). Make sure to first contact us before doing so.

Google Analytics:
We make use of a tool called Google Analytics in order to monitor how visitors use the website. This information is collected together with your IP address and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google uses this information to monitor how our website is used in order to send us reports about the website and to provide its advertisers information about the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns.

Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so, or in the event that these third parties process the information on behalf of Google. We have no say in this.

Third countries:
Some personal data is transferred to so-called ‘third countries’, meaning that the servers on which this information is stored are located outside of the Europe/EU in this particular case, this applies to Google, which has its servers in the United States. Companies in the United States that have the Privacy Shield certificate are approved to appropriately handle personal data. Google is Privacy Shield-certified.

A total solution for every room

A total solution for every room
The specialist in chairs for decades

The specialist in chairs for decades
Chairs specially made for you

Chairs specially made for you
Wide range of chairs for every occasion

Wide range of chairs for every occasion

A selection from our customer base

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